Technical Services


Ricoh book scanner

Anja Herwig, CC BY 4.0

As part of a sustainable development, the University 
Library is offering its users high quality, in-house scanning 
technology free of charge.

With the two (top-side) book scanners on the ground (room 0.42B) and second floor (2.29), you can scan extensive projects and save them on your own storage medium (USB flash drive or memory card). This service is free of charge.

In addition, there is also a scan tent (instructions only German) on the ground floor (room 0.42B) where you can scan with your own smartphone.

Alternatively, you may easily order a digitized copy of books  for a fee. Further information can be found under eod-Service.


Public computer workstations

The Campus Nord Branch Library offers 24 public computer workstations. Whereas some of the installed applications are available for use without registration, other software applications require a login via a library or HU-account. Please see the software lists (only German) of the Computer and Media Service (CMS) for further information.

There are also several workstations in the building equipped with reading screens, to which you can connect your own device.

WLAN (Wi-Fi) connection with your own device

There are various ways of using the WLAN in the Campus North branch library with your own laptop, tablet or smartphone:

The Berlin Senate Chancellery offers Free Wifi Berlin in Berlin. This WLAN is also broadcast at the HU Berlin. Further information can be found on the relevant page of the CMS (only German).

Alternatively, as a member of the Humboldt University in Berlin or another university that participates in the international network Eduroam, you can connect to the Eduroam network. This option is strongly recommended. You can find further information on the corresponding pages of the Computer and Media Service (CMS) (only German).

VPN for remote access to electronic resources

To get remote access to services which are only accessible via the Humboldt-University network, it is necessary to install a VPN access on your device of choice. By means of VPN (Virtual Private Network), your device becomes virtually a part of the Humboldt-Universität network independent of its physical location. After establishing the VPN, you can remotely access the electronic resources of the library, e.g. electronic journals, e-books and databases. The Computer and Media Service (CMS) provides instructions on how to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) (only German).