Services for Parents and Children

The users’ chance to combine parenthood with scientific research work is of particular importance to the Humboldt-Universität and it therefore offers a special parent-child room to its readers with children. This room was sponsored by Berliner Volksbank and is called “Berliner Volksbank Kinderstube”. Without disturbing other readers, parents may bring their children to this separate area and work there with their children close by.

The parent-child room is on 7th floor and offers 11 study desks with three computers and a play area for the children with

The Parent-Child-Room

  • a play island for children
  • two touch screen game computers
  • an audio station
  • a lot of children books
  • five high chairs for children
  • a special armchair for breastfeeding

A baby-care room is close by (at the toilet anteroom on 7th floor).

This room is exclusively reserved to readers accompanied by children and pregnant women (please keep the expectant mother's record of prenantal and nantal care at hand).

An access card to the room can be obtained from the security guards. Furthermore it is possible to get a bag with toys and earphones for the audio station.

Download: Info sheet (in German only)