Meeting boxes and solo boxes

Meeting boxes

On the 1st, 2nd and 4th floor there are two meeting boxes for group work for 2-4 persons (HU members). The boxes are reserved by entering the HU user number in the weekly schedules attached to the boxes. Occupancy schedules are posted for the current and upcoming weeks.

Rules of use:

  • can be reserved for HU members who enter their user number in the weekly plan for the respective time slot
  • if the box is empty and not reserved, it can also be used by non-HU members
  • max. 1 x per day and user:in reservable
  • max. 3 consecutive hours per day and person
  • meeting boxes are reserved for group work and usable for 2-4 persons
  • lighting and ventilation can be switched on and off via the ceiling switch
  • the door must be closed during use
  • the boxes are soundproof, however, we ask you to keep the noise level in the boxes low

Solo boxes

On the first floor there are three solo boxes on the west side and three solo boxes on the east side. The Solo boxes are designed for video conferencing participation and can also be used for phone calls.

Usage rules:

  • can be reserved for HU members who enter their user number in the weekly schedule for the respective time slot
  • if the box is empty and not reserved, it can also be used by non-HU members
  • max. 1 x per day and user:in reservable
  • max. 2 consecutive hours per day and person
  • solo boxes can be used by one person only
  • lighting and ventilation switches on automatically when entering the cabin
  • the door must be closed during use
  • the boxes are soundproof, nevertheless we ask you to keep the noise level in the boxes low