Autograph Collection

The collection comprises about 1,400 autographs which are completely available via the Online Catalogue. The greater part of the collection dates back to the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the catalogue you may not only find the authors themselves but also the addressees and the names of most people mentioned as well as short summaries of the papers.

Using the collection

You may search for letters at the Online Catalogue and order them (please, specify the data of the documents) via The items are normally available on the following workday (but not on Saturdays). They are for reference and may be used in the research reading room only.




  • Elke Peschke und Henrik Hofer, Ausgewählte Sondersammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek, in: Theatrum naturae et artis - Theater der Natur und Kunst, Bd.: Essays. Wunderkammern des Wissens, 2000, S. 186-196, s. S. 195 f.
  • Henrik Hofer, Die Autographensammlung der Universitätsbibliothek, in: Theatrum naturae et artis - Theater der Natur und Kunst, Bd.: Katalog. Wunderkammern des Wissens, 2000, S. 55-57
  • Henrik Hofer, "Weißt Du etwas über Hertz?". Über Neuerwerbungen in der Autographensammlung der Universitätsbibliothek, in: Humboldt 51(2006/2007)5, S. 8