Scan Service


You want to prepare your digital teaching and still need scans of articles or book chapters?

We gladly accept your wishes and will acquire the desired online resource or make appropriate scans from our print stock. Our scans come with OCR as standard. 

Fill out the form below if the following conditions are met:

  • You are an HU employee.
  • Your order is permissible according to copyright law and the agreements with “VG Wort”. The scope of the scans may not exceed 15% of the total work. The successive ordering of individual parts of a work is also not permitted.
  • Instructions on how to provide literature in Moodle courses and how to comply with copyright law can be found in this Moodle course (in German only; guest access or free registration).

Order Form

Help and Contact

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us; either by e-mail or by telephone.

 +49 30 2093-99370